Eastbourne College and Willingdon Community School working together

19 Jan 2018

Willingdon Community School and Eastbourne College are working together in a collaborative homework club. Every Monday a group of Year 11 pupils from Willingdon Community School meet with Year 12 and 13 College pupils to go over GCSE subjects.

Willingdon Community School and Eastbourne College working together…  “We thought it would be like Hogwarts!”

Collaborative Peer Mentoring.

Every Monday afternoon a group of Year 11 pupils from Willingdon Community School meet up with a group of Year 12 and Year 13 pupils from Eastbourne College to go over subjects they are working on for their forthcoming GCSE exams. The pupils are paired up so that each Eastbourne College pupil has a good knowledge of the subject area where his or her pupil may need some guidance. Emily Beer, the Headteacher at Willingdon, and Tom Lawson, the Headmaster of Eastbourne College, both see this as a wonderful opportunity for all those taking part.

Tom Lawson says: ‘It is often the case that you never really know a subject until you teach it. I have no doubt that our pupils are getting just as much out of these sessions as the group from Willingdon.’

The group has become known as Roy’s Homework Club after the Headmaster’s dog, who always looks forward to the arrival of the Willingdon pupils.  Miss Beer says: “I am delighted to be part of this pilot project for the Eastbourne Schools Partnership. Peer to peer support has definite merit in helping students progress and reach their potential.  I am very grateful to the students of Eastbourne College who have committed to working with Willingdon students to not only support their learning journey but to raise their aspirations. This opportunity also allows misconceptions about state and private education to be overcome. Students realise that they are like minded individuals who often have a tremendous amount in common.”


“It really helps me, the mentors can get learning across to me in a different way to my teachers and I am really enjoying it.”


“The mentoring programme at Eastbourne College has helped me, as it has allowed me to work with students closer to my age. They have been able to relate to me and empathise with me.”

Hannah Tingley-Martin:

“My new mentor has helped me to understand things I struggle with in class, boosting my confidence.”

Freya Smith:

“I really like going to Eastbourne College, I find it really helpful getting help from other students and revision tips.”

Adam Howard, Eastbourne College pupil:

“Knowing that we are helping is richly rewarding and also gives us an opportunity to learn different techniques to certain subjects together and apply them to our own work.”