Dover College – A Level and BTEC Results

29 Oct 2018

Most schools will talk about the ‘best exam results ever’. However, what exam results as statistics don’t show are individual stories. Stories of courage, hard work, tears and determination. Stories where young men and women, often when faced with challenges, rise up and reach them. And that’s what has happened this year at Dover College.

In a non-selective school, the key figure isn’t necessarily the pass rate (which for us was a brilliant 98%), nor the A* – C rate (which was an admirable 61%), but instead is the value added. This measures what a child has achieved during their A Level studies in terms of progression. And the College’s value added is at 1. Which means that every pupil has achieved a grade higher than they were likely to achieve when they started the sixth form. This has resulted in pupils achieving 250 points per candidate, University offers met and ambitions reached.

At the College pupils don’t just take A Levels. They also study BTECS in a variety of courses. And as schools in the area close creative arts departments due to funding cuts, we’re opening a new Creative Media department to augment our already growing Performing Arts provision, and developing for 2019 a new sixth form course that alongside ensuring academic success, will also develop the key skills of leadership, critical thinking, and service.

The Headmaster, Gareth Doodes, was delighted with what the pupils have achieved. ‘We’re proud of our headline figures, but more proud of the individual stories. Dover College pupils have worked hard, been encouraged to think differently, and can reflect on some wonderful achievements as they go to their chosen Universities. We wish then the best of luck, and will miss them enormously’