Danes Hill School – Reunion for Former Head’s Golden Anniversary

18 Aug 2017

Fifty years ago, in 1967, Graham Hill and Michael Bolan commenced their headships of Danes Hill. In honour of their Golden Anniversary, the school held a reunion for pupils and staff who had attended the school between 1967 and 1984.

In his current guise, Graham Hill is Director (Headmaster) of The English School of Mongolia and he joined 150 members of the 1967-1984 dynasty with 50 staff and pupils from his school.

Following a picnic lunch on the Headmaster’s terrace, where old friends were reacquainted, the guests were treated to a taste of Mongolia with a vivacious performance containing Mongolian dress and dance. In addition, the guests were afforded the opportunity to sit back and enjoy a performance of the opera Hector Macdonald, which is an adaptation of Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin.

A big thank you must go to Mrs Sandra Collard, Danes Hill School Governor, for organising this wonderful event. The guests were spoilt by some glorious weather and everyone commented on how special it was to come back to Danes Hill, meet old faces and see how much the school has change in the past 40-50 years.