Culford School – Charity Restaurant Serves Up a Treat

13 Jan 2016

During November 2015, Culford School pupils held their annual Charity Restaurant. Enjoying a wonderful meal in the beautiful surroundings of Culford Hall has become a seasonal tradition at the school. The students served 90 guests in all and raised £1,250.

The net profit will go entirely to the Kailash Bodhi School in Northern India. Culford have supported this school since an expedition party from the school visited the Himalayas in 1998, and saw the difficult conditions in which children were brought up and educated. In previous years, Culford has given considerable donations towards the KBS campaign for a school minibus and the pupils hope that the money raised by the restaurant will go some way towards helping the school again.

Justin Veitch, Maths teacher and organiser of the Charity Restaurant said, “I would like to say thank you to our chef Victor, the catering team and to the pupils who did a fabulous job”.

The pupils served guests in the restaurant and visitors were treated to a delicious menu including Chicken Supreme and Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce. Afterwards mince pies were served with hot drinks in the Workman Library.