Culford Prep School Celebrate End of Academic Year

18 Aug 2014

Culford Prep School marked the end of the academic year in style by holding their traditional Prize Giving ceremony. Over 200 pupils aged 7 to 13 attended, together with their parents, families, teachers and friends at the school.

The event took place on Thursday 3 July as a celebration of the pupils’ achievements. Prizes were awarded for academic, sporting and artistic success throughout the year and prizewinners were presented with a certificate and a selection of books. All pupils in Year 8 were given a Common Entrance award to mark the end of their time at the Prep School.

Speeches were made during the afternoon by Headmaster, Mike Schofield and the guest speaker, Dr Lara Menzies MB BChir MA, PHD, MRCPCH, who handed out certificates and congratulated the children as they took to the stage. Lara is a paediatrician at the University College London and University College Hospital and contributor to leading scientific journals and radio broadcasts.

After the speeches were complete, pupils and guests enjoyed refreshments in the glorious sunshine on the South Front of Culford Hall.


Photograph by Andy Abbott