Cottesmore School news – February
26 Feb 2016
The first half of the Easter Term has been full of achievement and enjoyment for pupils from our seniors to the smallest members of the Pre-prep.
Highlights of this packed period include inspiring talks by a representative of Action Aid, (which supported topics of study) and an anti-bullying presentation by Robert Higgs. A skipping workshop was much enjoyed by everyone and Sundays ‘in’ have provided some fantastic treats both in and out of school. Trips to Brighton’s Sea Life Centre, Laser Quest and a new venue – Airhop in Guildford — guaranteed both fun and relaxation.
In Sport, Cottesmorians have displayed both determination and resilience in the face of some difficult playing conditions, as heavy rain and strong winds threatened to disrupt play. On the few occasions when the weather prevented play altogether, the teams overcame their disappointment and focused on the opportunities for extra training. There have been some great victories and the coaches have been pleased not only with pupils’ developing skills, but also with their sportsmanship.