Conifers School – sending uniform to Nairobi
27 Jan 2016
Last year, after submitting extensive and detailed plans to the Department for Education Conifers was given the green light to increase its age range to age 13 and along with this development it was decided to update the uniform to coincide with this historic change. Pupils in the Pre-school phase (age 2-4) still come to school in their own clothes, but now girls from Reception to Year 8 can be seen in plaid dresses or regulation kilts and the boys in brushed cotton shirts. The gingham no longer features as part of the uniform but the ‘Conifers Green’ still clearly noticeable in the new blazers worn by the senior pupils.
Conifers is well known for raising money for charity but on this occasion it was not money that was the subject of their activity but the donation of the existing stock of dresses and shirts. In Africa many villages only allow children to attend school if they have a uniform and Conifers were fortunate to have links with the Baobab School ( in Nairobi whose uniform was similar to their old one. Therefore by sending more than 100 items of new clothing to this village enabled not only the first recipients of the clothes to attend school, but hopefully siblings and cousins too. The first cases of uniform left for Kenya at the beginning of the year and when the children were issued with their new clothes, their mothers said that it gave the children great dignity to go to school in such lovely dresses and shirts.
As you can see from the photo the children look very smart! We will be sending more clothes soon.