16 Aug 2018

Girls at Cheltenham Ladies’ College are celebrating outstanding A Level results today, with a record number of girls achieving at least 4 A* grades.

With A* grades making up almost a third of results (30.4%), this year the school has seen 15 pupils achieve 4 or more A* grades at A Level, the highest number since the A* grade was introduced in 2010.

Across the cohort, nearly two-thirds of all results (65.2%) are A* or A grades, while an impressive 92% of results are A*-B grades.

Exceptional individual achievements from across the Class of 2018, which encompasses the results of IB, A Level and Pre-U students, include 20 girls who have met the requirements of their Oxbridge offers. These offers comprise places to study Maths, Material Sciences, English, and Medicine at Oxford, and Natural Sciences, History of Art, Law, Engineering, and Classics at Cambridge, among others.

Girls have also secured places at a number of top global universities, including Yale, Stanford, Brown, Southern California, Parsons School of Design and many other top US colleges, as well as the prestigious University of Hong Kong (HKU).

Eve Jardine-Young, Principal of Cheltenham Ladies’ College, said: “I was delighted to see how excellently our girls and teachers have responded to the new Linear A Level system of assessment. I am incredibly proud of all the girls and staff, whose dedication and hard work has led to such outstanding results this year.”