Celebrating GCSE Success at Leighton Park School
13 Aug 2021

Jumping for Joy GCSE students at Leighton Park
Excited Year 11 students brought their sunny smiles through the morning drizzle as they eagerly collected their GCSE results.
The anticipation of the big day was too much for first arrival, Charlie McFarlane, who spent most of the night tossing and turning. “I’m so pleased! Really happy!” she enthused. “She has put in so much effort and worked hard. This is richly deserved but I still think it’s amazing; I can’t quite take it in.” smiled proud mum, Andrea.
Sian Davies, was also awake by 4.30am keen to find out whether her grades would be enough for her Sixth Form plans. “I got what I was hoping for in Maths and Spanish!” she grinned, relieved to be taking up her Music Scholarship alongside Psychology and History at A Level.
Fellow Music Scholar Connie Say achieved 9s in the three subjects she has chosen for next year. “I was actually looking forward to this morning; I feel like I am moving into the Sixth Form now.”
Sandy Collie also has his eyes firmly fixed on the future, “I’m pleased, definitely, but I think I’m in denial about GCSEs. It doesn’t feel like I’ve done them yet!”
Head of Years 10, 11 & Pre-Sixth, Beverley Eldridge, understands the challenges that this year group have faced with the disruption to their two-year course caused by the pandemic. “I’m so proud of them; they’ve shown excellent resilience during the GCSEs and delighted they have achieved such outstanding results. They took the switches between face-to-face teaching and online learning absolutely in their stride: that adaptability is what I’m most proud of: that flexibility is a real life skill.”
Our first cohort of GCSE Dancers supplemented their mental agility with physical flexibility in the studio all gaining grade 7 or above. Emma Kendall, who received a 9, was delighted by her result: “ I’m thrilled! I’ve really enjoyed studying the subject, so the result is quite cool.”
Beth Butler, Dance teacher reflected, “The first cohort of GCSE dance students have set a high standard for future year groups. I am so pleased with what they have achieved.” Albie Adams-Perez, captain of the Senior Boys’ Football team and the only boy in the Dance group, achieved a 7.
“Beth was a really good teacher and she put so much work in to help us. I’m really pleased with it. I struggled a little with the theory but Beth was incredible and I’m really pleased.”
STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) subjects have once again been recognised as a strength of the school with grades from 7-9 for Maths 54%, Chemistry 76%, Physics 74% and Biology 67%. Other outstanding subjects include German where 80% of the cohort achieved grade 9 and Music with 67% grades 7-9.
Felix O’Mahony who is taking Biology, Chemistry and Geography next year,reflected “It’s satisfying to have it all work out in the end. Maths has been a struggle for me but it all just started to make sense at the end, thanks to my teacher Leni.”
Sam Rowe, whose excellent results would allow him to pursue any academic direction, is leaning towards the Sixth Form creativity of Music , Music Tech and Drama with Creative Digital Media Production. Sam agrees the support of the school has been invaluable saying “I was a bit worried about the sciences but that has come out well. They were all challenging, especially with studying at home.”
Matthew LS Judd, Head of Leighton Park commented: “I pay tribute to the tremendous achievements of this group of students. Their hard work has paid off and they can look forward to the next stage of their education with confidence. Education is a partnership, and it has been incredibly heart-warming to see our students thanking their teachers and parents for helping them to achieve such success.”
If you are considering Leighton Park as a secondary school option, find out more at our Annual Open Morning on Saturday 25th September.
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