Bromsgrove School Raise over £1100 for Primrose Hospice

08 Jun 2018

Students from Bromsgrove School were delighted to present Anna Wilson from Primrose Hospice with a cheque for over £1100 on Thursday 10th May following their fundraising efforts through the charity’s Flourishing Fivers activity. In September, the hospice gave each of the students £5 and they have spent the year using their entrepreneurial skills to grow the initial investment.

Throughout the year, the students have attended trade fairs, hosted movie nights and had a Valentine’s Day rose sale amongst other events in order to achieve the impressive final sum. Four of the students have already expressed an interest in doing the activity again next year to be able to provide even more vital support to the deserving charity.

Maksym, one of the students involved said “at the beginning of the year, it was difficult to imagine that we could earn £1000 having the session only once a week but now we are convinced that anything is possible with team spirit, hard work and some really good ideas. The fact that all of the money raised goes to Primrose Hospice makes us even more proud of ourselves”. Artem, one of the other team members said “Flourishing Fivers was a valuable experience for me because it taught me entrepreneurial skills which I will definitely apply in my life. I strongly advise anyone with critical and creative thinking to take part in this activity”.