Bromsgrove School Perform The Pierglass

20 Dec 2017

A standing ovation from a capacity audience greeted the cast at the end of last Saturday’s final performance of The Pierglass, as the final note was played. It has been an extraordinary journey for all 41 members of the cast, the band and the 8 strong crew, not only staging the production but properly christening the brand new Cobham Theatre.

It is almost impossible to pick out individuals from such a strong ensemble production but special mention must be made of Matt Hegarty, who so splendidly assumed the role of Orlando Ballyvicks, the leader of the theatrical troupe, ably supported by Anna Da Costa Martins and Lily-Rose Faulkner Schuett. A memorable piece of swordplay was executed impeccably, right at the top of the performance, by Timofey Abbasov and Vinzenz Freigassner, while the scheming villains of the piece in Bratton Hall were magnificently realised by Madelaine Bargber-Fray and Archie Holder as the wicked step-mother, Sarah Bratton and her oily accomplice and lawyer, Nicholas Thornhyde, respectively. How the audience loved their scenes but not a dry eye was to be had when Phoebe Fletcher and Matt Goodwin brought the play to a close in the most touching of scenes together. We look forward to seeing these talented young Year 11 performers take to the stage again next year.

Every aspect of this complex production, from the flying of scenery to the operation of lights, sound and stage management was undertaken by students all of whom were simultaneously learning how the wonderful new facilities in Cobham actually worked and what great potential the theatre offers us.

In spite of the weather, over 500 students, staff, parents and guests braved the snow and all left feeling uplifted and thoroughly entertained. We look forward to the Junior Play, Fourth Form Play and several House Drama performances over the next coming term.