Abbey Gate College pupil represents Team GB in the European Modern Pentathlon Championships

17 Oct 2012

At the end of the summer, Year 10 pupil, Naomi Craig competed in the European Modern Pentathlon Championships in Poland, representing Team GB. Naomi, who is still a year younger than most of the competitors, came an excellent 15th out of 47 and the girls GB team came 1st out of the 13 countries that competed.

Naomi works incredibly hard to fit in a punishing training regime with her school work, but she remains a positive, well organised and well motivated pupil. In summary, her training programme includes 5 swimming sessions per week (between 6am and 7.30am),athletics training 3 times a week with the West Cheshire Athletic Club, shooting at Wrexham Shooting Club, fencing at Chester Academy once a week and weekly riding lessons at Prescott Riding School in Baschurch. In total she averages about 15 hours a week of training and this does not include other more local competitions and galas.

Naomi has been selected to go to Hungary for the week at the end of October to train with the GB squad and has also qualified for the National Triathlon Championships which will be held in Solihull on the 17th/18th November.

The College wish her all the best and will obviously continue to work hard with Naomi to enable her to combine her sporting career with her academic studies.