Oswestry School entrepreneurs raise £928 for charity

08 Jun 2018

Oswestry School’s Sixth Form entrepreneurs have been busy again this year and have raised an incredible £928 for charity.

Pupils are invited to bid for funding to get their business idea off the ground on presentation of a workable business plan. This enterprise scheme is known as OsBiz and ‘The Hub’, the school’s outlet for the business start-ups, has been a hive of activity with pupils eager to show their entrepreneurial skills.

The Pizza Hub, run by Katherine Davison, Lloyd Evans, Oliver Anwyl and Kristina Pialova, was one of the first to pitch their idea and secure funding. Serving hot pizza with a catchy slogan, ‘Get your grub at the Hub’, soon became a firm favourite with hungry crowds on chilly mornings. This group raised £347 and have chosen to donate their profits equally to Alopecia UK and Help For Heroes. Katherine, the group’s production manager, said the key to their success was communication.

Line Wolters, Flora Stratieva, Ben Clark, Bobo Markovic, Demetre Devidze and Thomas Rye wanted to cash in on the success experienced by a previous winning venture and set up Wacky Waffles to deliver freshly cooked waffles. They learnt the importance of being innovative and proactive to stay in the marketplace and created loyalty cards to extend the life of their product. A total of £252 was raised which will be donated to the Disasters

Emergency Committee. The group agreed that team work had played a vital role in the success of their venture and that for this to happen a compromise was often required.

Network Noodles was set up by Fergus Yang, Matthew Cheng, Julian Beijerbergen and Toby Ma and served hot noodles during morning break. The group quickly realised the only way to meet customer demand in such a short time was to set up an efficient production line with all the team specialising in the various roles required from cooking to serving. This division of labour ensured the business survived the rush and, coupled with occasional job rotation, meant all the team were kept on their toes! Just over £152 was raised in aid of the PDSA.

Valeriia Chertilina and Rita Li created OsBakery bringing their own homemade goodies to ‘The Hub’. Delicious treats from decadent chocolate brownies and soft baked cookies to light pastry twists and waffle cake were just a few of the many creative ideas presented. With the £150 raised the duo are currently researching the charities they would like to support.

Various other OsBiz ventures and events have gone on throughout the year and contributed to the final total raised. Refreshing slushes and hot dogs, run by Manuel Campos Moreno and Mats Exner, and even freshly cooked pancakes have all been trialled.

Sixth Form pupils enjoy their own tuck shop and this, under the management of Alastair Moss, has gone from strength to strength raising sufficient funds to purchase a fridge freezer for the venture so a wider range of goods could be sold.

Our 2017-18 OsBiz directors, Victoria Raffle, Daren Guan and Matthew Cooper, have now passed the mantle over to the newly appointed directors, Valeriia Chertilina (Managing Director), Katherine Davison (Operations Director) and Flora Stratieva (Marketing Director).

Photo: Wacky Waffles entrepreneurs Flora Stratieva, Demetre Devidze, Thomas Rye, Bobo Markovic and Line Wolters