Black belt success for 11 year old Oswestry schoolgirl

07 Dec 2017

Oswestry School pupil Caitlin McCourt has fought her way to earn the coveted Tae Kwon Do 1st Dan black belt.

Caitlin’s hard work and determination came into play as she received the belt following her grading in Bristol. Alongside gruelling training sessions after school Caitlin had to learn Korean, become proficient at ten patterns, learn the meanings of all of these patterns and step up and fight against opponents. To earn her grading she was fighting men and older teen boys due to her height. Caitlin owes much of her success to the sponsorship and support she has received from The Lion Quays Resort.

Back in Oswestry Caitlin has been presented with her name embroidered black belt and a new black belt dobok (training suit). She can also now officiate at competitions and be part of the examining team at gradings. Not bad at age 11!