Oswestry Pupil Offered Place In Shropshire Youth Orchestra

12 Jul 2017

4th Form pupil at Oswestry School, Charlotte Garton, has been accepted into the prestigious Shropshire Youth Orchestra.

The Orchestra is one of Shropshire Music Service’s top level ensembles whose repertoire includes classics and film music at a high standard. Charlotte was put through a rigorous audition before being accepted to the elite musical group.

Julian Cattley, Director of Music at Oswestry School, commented “Charlotte is diligent in her practice and deserves to be part of this county ensemble. As one of our music scholars, she participates in many school and public events, our ‘Music in the Garden’ at the end of this month being such one. I am sure the experience Charlotte gains from playing with contemporaries will stand her in good stead for the future.”

Photo Caption: 4th Form Oswestry School pupil Charlotte Garton who has been chosen to play in the Shropshire Youth Orchestra