2017 Greenfields Graduates and Study Technology*

04 Sep 2017

At the end of the summer term, Graduation Ceremony is held at Greenfields.  This is where the graduates give speeches about the achievements they have made and are heartily acknowledged for them. Here are some excerpts from their speeches about their experiences with the Study Technology.

CLAIRE KAN – Graduate with Honours

“The school is just like a big family – which makes it different from other schools. It is also different because of the Study Technology – which really helps people to study more effectively. I have particularly applied this to looking up the meanings of words so that I can better understand what I am studying and doing. Thank you to the school for providing such a nice environment to study in”.


“I want to say a few words about Study Technology. Greenfields is the only school in the country that provides this incredible discovery in the field of education to all of its students and staff. For me personally, I couldn’t imagine not being in a school that doesn’t have this technology. It has made it possible for me to not simply learn subjects off by heart, but be able to apply what I have learnt in life”.


“I’ve learnt and applied Study Technology, and therefore been able to swiftly handle any academic problems. It has, furthermore, enabled me to deal with anything else that I may encounter in my studies in the future”.


“Having been disappointed with my poor performance in the past, I made an academic comeback in Year 10. I realised that this was due to the ethics programme I had done. This motivated my aspirations, and I began to study harder and more thoroughly. With this I became more intellectual – and I also began to implement Study Technology to its full potential. The concept of being able to be rid of a headache by gaining mass on a subject is fantastic isn’t it?”.


“Before I came to Greenfields, I was at a school that I didn’t like, I was having trouble studying and I didn’t get along well with some of my teachers. Then I decided to come to Greenfields, and it’s been different ever since. One of the most remarkable things about Greenfields is the Study Technology. Looking up the meanings of words as you go makes things so much easier to study and understand.  If you don’t know what something looks like or what it does, getting the mass, the thing itself or a picture of it makes such an amazing difference. You get individual programmes and checksheets so you can work at your own speed at the right gradient for you. This has helped me through all my time here and has led up to me taking my GCSE’s. It has also helped me learn how to apply what I have studied to my everyday life”.


*Study Technology The school’s philosophy is based on Study Technology. The use of Study Technology is what makes Greenfields so different. In the United Kingdom, it is, at this writing, the only school that uses it – though around the world it is used by hundreds of schools to the benefit of students now numbering in the millions. Applied standardly, Study Technology produces remarkable improvements in a student’s ability which is reflected in the results he or she obtains.


To book a tour of the school please contact admissions@greenfieldsschool.com


Photo: Charlie Meer, Toby Appavoo, Matilda O’Brien, Claire Kan, Sylvana Vicente-Jones