Wellington School Pupils Celebrate A  Level Success

18 Aug 2016

Students at Wellington School have been celebrating another year of strong A Level results. The Upper Sixth pupils exceeded expectations achieving even more A* grades than last year’s cohort, with a significant number achieving three or more A* or A grades.

Individual successes include Lydia Buckingham who achieved 5 A* grades and Kieran Wachsmuth who achieved 4 A* grades. These impressive results have secured both pupils places at Oxford University, where Lydia will be studying Mathematics at Merton College and Kieran will study Physics at Pembroke College. They will be joined by William Langdon, who achieved excellent grades to secure his place to read Biological Sciences at New College Oxford, and Catherine Bridges who will study Classics at St John’s College Oxford. Charlie Pemberton, who achieved 3 A* grades, will also be taking up her place at Newnham College, Cambridge to study Classics. Charlie has also won a Choral Scholarship to Selwyn College Cambridge.

Headmaster, Henry Price commented, “I am of course delighted at the individual successes of these hard-working and able pupils. They fully deserve their Oxbridge places and will continue to thrive academically. It is striking how well they did on their papers with full marks achieved across several modules, which is a major success. To have five Oxbridge students across a year is a great academic achievement for Wellington School.

Looking at our statistics as a whole, I am very pleased with the increase in A* grades to 17% and the fact that almost 40% of grades were A*-A. Almost 20% of students achieved 3 or more A/A* grades and more than a quarter of students achieved at least 1 A* grade.

Statistics do not, however, tell the whole story and there are some fabulous results for a number of pupils who have not found A Levels easy, but have persevered and will now be able to secure a place on a good university course. All our pupils deserve praise for their efforts and I am especially pleased with the additional contribution that pupils make to the life of the School beyond their academic achievements.”

Wellington pupils in the Lower Sixth are also celebrating a very promising set of AS results with an impressive 46% of results being awarded the top A grade.

“Although we must take this statistic in the context of fewer papers being sat, due to the ongoing reforms to the A Level system, this is nevertheless an excellent set of results and bodes very well for success at A2 in 2017.

As ever, I am very grateful to all the staff that have supported and encouraged our pupils both in and out of the classroom and I wish all our leavers well as they take their next steps beyond Wellington,” concluded Henry Price.


Photo: Wellington School high flying A Level pupils with Headmaster Henry Price (left)

Back row: James Capel, Sam Aird, Kester Griffiths, Alex Steeden, Kieran Wachsmuth.

Front row: Lydia Buckingham, Charlie Pemberton, Beth Crockett, Kat Bridges,

Foreground:    Will Reid