Wellington School – Pupil Wins Gold at Olympic Rowing Lake
22 Jun 2016
A Wellington School pupil has had the opportunity to compete on the splendid Olympic Rowing Lake at Eton. Edward Fuller In Year 8 travelled up to Eton to compete in the Junior Open Doubles race.
He and his partner, Phoebe Muiz, who was the only girl in the race triumphed over boys a year older to bring home the Gold Medal, against tough competition.
Ed has been rowing for 2 years and now trains at Exeter Rowing Club where he attends four sessions a week both indoor and out on the water.
What makes his achievements all the more commendable is the fact that he also bravely battles a medical condition that would make many an individual settle for an easier life . Edward suffers from severe Haemophilia, a condition which means that the blood cannot clot properly.
Although bleeding can be from cuts or grazes on the skin, most bleeding that occurs is internal, into muscles and joints and is therefore not visible to the untrained eye. To overcome this risk of bleeding his mother Helen injects him intravenously at home four times a week with a clotting factor which then allows him to undertake most mainstream activities.
This win is the latest in a stream of rowing accolades that Ed has won – Congratulations Ed – a great triumph!
Ed will next be competing in the Wimbleball Regatta, the Totnes 1K race and the Plymouth Regatta.
Photo: Gold medallist Ed Fuller at the Olympic Rowing Lake