Wellington School Appoints New Headmaster

20 Jan 2019

Wellington School is delighted to announce the appointment of Eugene Du Toit as its next Head, replacing Henry Price who will move to Oakham School in September 2019 after five years of dedicated service.

Eugene, who has been Senior Deputy Head at Trinity School of John Whitgift, Croydon since 2014 has extensive strategic development experience, as well as an impressive academic and pastoral leadership background. He is married to Angela and they have two young daughters.

Anna Govey, Chair of Governors, states: “I am confident that we have found an ambitious leader with high personal standards and expectations, who will take Wellington School successfully into the future. Eugene showed enormous energy, passion for the possibilities that being part of the Wellington community will offer him, as well as an immediate affinity with our culture and ethos.”

Eugene is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and has an MA in Educational Leadership from the Institute of Education, University of London. He is currently studying for his MBA in Educational Leadership (International), which he will complete next summer. Eugene began his teaching career at King Edward VII School in Johannesburg before moving to England and taking up a position at St Paul’s School, London as a teacher of Economics and Mathematics, Undermaster (Assistant Head), and Head of House.

Eugene comments, “It is an honour to have been invited to serve as the next Head of Wellington School – a happy, ambitious and successful community. I am committed to ensuring that Wellington continues to provide an outstanding all-round education, where academic excellence, co-curricular opportunities and personal development sit comfortably alongside one another and look forward to working with everyone within the Wellington community in shaping the School’s exciting future. My wife and I have been struck by the warmth of the relationships at Wellington, and we are looking forward to our family move to Somerset.”

Eugene is a keen sportsman having played representative rugby and has coached rugby, water polo and athletics. He has also travelled extensively, been a governor at two Prep Schools and swum the length of Lake Windermere, as well as a relay Channel swim!

“We are very much looking forward to working with Eugene to take Wellington onto the next chapter,” concludes Anna Govey.