Wellington College – Superb results…again!
01 Sep 2016
Wellington College is celebrating another vintage set of results following the recent publication of A Level, IB Diploma and GCSE grades.
Well over a quarter of students achieved A* grades in their A Level examinations, a figure which has equalled the class of 2015 as Wellington’s second best ever results. When combined with the results of the IB Diploma students, who accounted for almost half the year group, over 70% of grades attained by Wellington’s leavers were at the top level – A*/A or 7/6 – another phenomenal achievement which has only been matched a handful of times in the College’s history.
This year’s IB Diploma cohort was our largest ever with 91 students opting for this internationally recognised and rigorous curriculum over A Levels. Their average score was 38.8 and four students attained the maximum 45 points. To put these scores in context, the global average score in 2015 was 30.2 when only 216 students worldwide scored 45 points.
Not to be outperformed, the Fifth Form equalled the College’s best-ever results at GCSE and MYP, with over 50% of subject grades coming in at the highest possible level – A*/7, and with almost 85% at A*/A or 7/6. Remarkably no fewer than 136 pupils achieved at least 9 A*/A or 7/6 grades in their GCSE or MYP exams, and 23 pupils achieved only A* grades in the GCSEs which they took.
Commenting on the results, Julian Thomas, Master of Wellington College said, “I am so pleased that these wonderful year groups have achieved such fantastic results. When I think of everything these young men and women have achieved outside of the classroom over the past 12 months – the breath-taking music and drama productions, the outstanding sports teams competing at regional and national level, and the amazing service and partnership projects with which so many have been involved – it really is a fantastic reflection on the students and the commitment to a genuinely holistic education which everyone at Wellington takes. I have always said that a fantastic education should not simply be about excellent examination results, but also about developing students to be the best they can be in every way. These year groups, of whom we are immensely proud, have achieved just that – well done!”
As a result of another set of very strong IB and A Level results, university outcomes have been extremely positive and, although it is too early to know for sure, it is anticipated that last year’s figure of 95% of leavers gaining places at their first or second choice university will be exceeded. A remarkable achievement by a remarkable group of students.