The Royal High School, Bath – Cyborgs in the Ancient World

26 Jun 2017

On Wednesday 14th June, Dr Genevieve Liveley, Senior Lecturer in Classics at Bristol University, came to talk to us as part of the Festival of Ideas taking place throughout the week.

Dr Liveley spoke about Cyborgs in the Ancient World, which might seem like a strange concept to us, but as she proved during the talk, everything does come from the Classical world!

Covering all different types of cyborgs from Cyclopes and Centaurs in the ancient world to the Terminator today, Dr Liveley managed to convey the broad range of robotic forms amongst these creatures. She even demonstrated to us the array of qualities everyone attending the lecture shared with a cyborg and by the end of her talk, Dr Liveley had convinced us that indeed we were all part-cyborg!

It was a funny and insightful lecture and a fantastic way to show how instrumental Classics has been in the development of everything in today’s world.

Charlotte, Year 12