The Old Hall School – Digital Detox Attracts National Attention
30 Jun 2015
The Old Hall welcomed BBC Breakfast reporter Graham Satchell into school on Monday when he and his camera operator spent the afternoon doing some pre-recording for the BBC Breakfast programme which aired live on Tuesday. Mr Satchell interviewed Mr Stott before witnessing iPads being used in Year 2 during their work on World War II and interviewing some Year 6 pupils about the impact of the Detox. He then went and spent the evening with an Old Hall family who told him all about the impact of the Detox on family life.
He then came back bright and early on Tuesday morning before three live broadcasts – all before 9am. A huge thank you to all the children who came in so early, and their parents for getting them here! To see the broadcast click here.
The piece was also featured on the BBC One O’Clock News and on the Education page of the BBC news website.
The broadcast sparked many messages of congratulations from far and wide as well as lots of tweets.
As well as BBC breakfast the Digital Detox has featured on Shropshire Radio, in the Shropshire Star and in The Independent amongst others! It was also an item on Tuesday’s Newsround.