The Manor Prep School – Visit from Olympic Bronze Medallist

25 Feb 2016

The hairs on the back of every neck were standing firmly on end as we watched the video of Chloe Rogers stroking home the most significant goal of her career. This was an assembly to remember and set the tone for what was to be an inspirational day of hockey coaching from the Olympic bronze medallist.

Working her way through each of the year groups in Years 3-6, Chloe delivered technical advice on aspects of the game such as dribbling, passing and receiving. Each session concluded with an autograph and Q+A session with The Manor children asking some fantastic questions to gain insight into the life of an Olympian.

There was a real buzz around the school, the type that you would expect with an elite athlete in our midst. Chloe was an absolute inspiration to everyone that she came into contact with and a great day was had by all.