Sherborne School is Excellent!
27 Apr 2023
Sherborne School has been given the highest possible grade of ‘Excellent’ by the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate.
Sherborne School, Dorset
A team of inspectors visited Sherborne School last month with a focus upon two key areas: the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development. After spending three days immersed in the life of the School, the inspectors judged the School to be ‘Excellent’ in both areas.
In arriving at their judgements, the inspectors relied upon a wide range of evidence including the boys’ examination results and other academic and co-curricular achievements; observations of lessons and co-curricular activities; work scrutiny; visits to boarding Houses; interviews with boys, staff and governors; and the information contained within the questionnaires completed by boys, parents and staff.
The report notes pupils to have ‘intellectual curiosity and an enthusiasm for learning’, ‘enabled by high quality teaching’ in the classroom. Pupils are described as ‘confident and resilient and well-prepared for the next stage in their lives’.
Inspectors remark that Sherborne boys have a ‘well-developed sense of community and a strong affinity to the School’ whilst also noting that ‘pupils have a deep understanding of personal responsibility and of their role in supporting others with kindness and respect’.
Headmaster and CEO, Dr Dominic Luckett said ‘I am delighted with the inspection report, not least because I genuinely feel that the inspectors gained a remarkably impressive grasp of our School and those things that make it so special. I am grateful to all those – boys, parents, staff and governors – who contributed to this superb outcome and hope that the whole Sherborne community feels a great sense of pride in being recognised as a thoroughly excellent School and a close-knit community of kindness.’
To view the full report, and the positive thoughts shared by the inspectors, visit: INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS INSPECTORATE (ISI) 2023 | Sherborne School