RGS The Grange – Record 30 Belts for Karate Kids

17 Mar 2016

Karate is one of the most popular after school clubs at RGS The Grange and last week 26 children were awarded belts or stripes and moved up a grade in their sport. Master Johnson who runs the club at RGS The Grange, reported that this was the most belts awarded in the School. 

Josh Fisher, Year Five, who has been studying Karate for over two years said, “Karate teaches discipline and it is like an invisible friend which helps you to be stronger in self-defence.  Karate is like moving meditation and my favourite form is ‘peaceful confidence’”.  Josh is now working towards his black belt.

Mr David Bousfield, Head of Sport at RGS The Grange said, “Karate at The Grange has grown and grown under the watchful eye of Master Johnson.  The pupils love not only the karate lesson but also the meaningful stories that he tells at the end of every session. It is evident that a number of children have really grown in confidence under his tutelage, learning both the physical and spiritual lessons in the discipline.”

The belts gained at the grading at RGS The Grange are as follows: 

4 Yellow Belts

6 Orange Belts

4 Purple stripes

1 Green

5 Green Stripes

1 Brown

1 Brown Stripe

3 Red

1 Red Stripe


To find out more about RGS The Grange, go to www.rgsw.org.uk or telephone 01905 451205.