Prince Edward visits West Buckland School
15 Oct 2015
Prince Edward visited West Buckland School near Barnstaple on Tuesday (29th September) where he was greeted by hundreds of excited children as he arrived to start a number of official engagements in North Devon. HRH the Earl of Wessex, visiting the school for the first time, officially opened Parker’s, the school’s new Sixth Form boarding house and met students and staff as he toured the facility.
He also visited other areas of the school and was treated to a performance from the Prep School Choir in the school’s new Michael Morpurgo Library and learnt more about West Buckland’s link with partnership school Agoro Oyombe in Kenya. He then talked to members of the Sixth Form Charities Committee and heard about their fundraising efforts that this year will support Exmoor charity Calvert Trust and Farms for City Children.
During his tour Prince Edward was given a preview of rehearsals taking place for the popular musical West Side Story which will be performed by West Buckland students in Ilfracombe’s Landmark Theatre early next year.
Headmaster John Vick says: “We were delighted to welcome HRH the Earl of Wessex to the school. It was a really exciting morning for everyone, from the dramatic helicopter arrival to the opening our new boarding house.
“We are extremely grateful for the time he took to engage with pupils and talk to them about many aspects of school life. After the visit from War Horse author Michael Morpurgo a couple of weeks ago, it has been a really exciting start to the Autumn Term.”