OM Careers Convention Inspires Millfield Lower Sixth

16 Aug 2017

Old Millfieldians returned to school to offer career advice to Lower Sixth pupils in for the annual Careers Convention.

A diverse selection of careers were represented by the OMs including medicine, law, investment banking, property and journalism, with speakers sharing insightful details from their time at school and their career paths.

Notable speakers included entrepreneur and social media manager Andrew Foyle, who founded the technology firm Argogroup and Miappi, a social digital marketing platform, and recent graduate Ben Millar, who has already secured a job as a physiotherapist in the NHS closely after finishing at Cardiff University.

Also presenting was Sophie Thomas, who taught netball and PE at Millfield Prep on her gap year and is now Netball Programme Director at the University of Nottingham, and current Millfield Chemistry teacher Duncan Armour, who left the pharmaceutical industry in 2010 to become a teacher.

Spending the day with former pupils, the Lower Sixth were able to pose questions to the attendees in a Q&A session in the Meyer Theatre, as well as breaking out into groups according to their areas of interest.

The break out groups gave pupils the chance to ask more detailed questions about each career and find out more about the motivations each OM had to pursue their chosen path. Senior Prefects had the added opportunity to each host one of the returning OMs throughout the day, allowing pupils to get to know the OMs on a one to one level.