21 Oct 2015
Milton Abbey is holding a new event, the Future of Vocational Learning Conference on Thursday 5 November and is pleased to announce the Vice Chancellor of the Arts University Bournemouth, Stuart Bartholomew CBE, as the conference’s main guest speaker.
Alongside talks from Stuart Bartholomew and presentations by the School’s Head of Sixth Form and BTEC subject leaders, attendees will also have the chance to experience a working BTEC lesson.
Milton Abbey’s Headmaster, Magnus Bashaarat, comments, “The conference will highlight what I believe is one of the most important issues in education today – the role of vocational learning and qualifications in today’s job market.” He continues, “Whilst A Levels remain an important pathway into the world of work, employers are increasingly seeking young people with industry-specific skill sets who are ready for the modern workplace.”
The recent Graduate Employment Survey found that 22% of employers rate qualifications as an important factor when recruiting versus a staggering 88% who instead rate a candidates’ skillset, meaning that those studying vocational courses can position themselves one step ahead due to their industry-specific experience.
Milton Abbey prides itself on providing a bespoke education through its diverse curriculum options. In a recent ISI inspection the School was praised for its ‘carefully structured and broad curriculum’, and despite its small size, the School is proud to offer the broadest range of vocational subjects in the independent sector. From Creative Media Production to Countryside Management, and Hospitality to Performing Arts, the School’s popular BTEC courses offer the equivalent academic weighting of traditional A Levels and are highly regarded by universities and employers alike.
“The Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BTEC course was oversubscribed in its very first year, sparking interest from its connections with the School’s ‘Entrepreneur in Residence’ competition, now in its third year having been devised as a vehicle to celebrate the School’s unique historic culture of nurturing successful business-minded individuals,” continued Magnus Bashaarat. “Previous years have seen the likes of Anya Hindmarch and Cath Kidston involved with the project, and this third successive competition will be fronted by Johnnie Boden, who will also run a workshop session for the Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BTEC pupils during his visit to the School.”
Johnnie Boden spoke of his anticipation of working with the School, saying, “I am looking forward to working with Milton Abbey and supporting this exciting and unique entrepreneurial initiative. It is just the sort of thing I would have loved to have got stuck into during my school days.”
A full programme for the conference is available on request. To register to attend, please contact Diana Morant, Director of Admissions and Marketing via / 01258 882182.