Merchant Taylors’ Primary School – New Classrooms at Hope Preparatory thanks to Stanfield Charity

28 Mar 2017

During 2016 Stanfield’s School Council organised a range of whole school charity events, including cake sales, a ‘Santa Dash’ and mufti days, in order to raise the £7000 needed to help our link school Hope Preparatory, in Sierra Leone, build a new 4 classroom build. The land had been bought by the former Headteacher, Mrs Doherty, who visited Stanfield in 2011, but who sadly passed away before her proposed idea could begin.

Building work started in November 2016, with the help of Mrs Doherty’s brother, who has taken over as the new Headteacher and Mr Power from MTGS, who has been an important link between Stanfield and Hope Preparatory School in Sierra Leone. He will fly over to officially open the school in May this year on our behalf.