Thorpe House School

Preparing boys for tomorrow’s world.

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    What is 7 x 2

    Thorpe House School

    Thorpe House in Gerrards Cross is an independent boys’ school for aged 4-16. At Thorpe House our aspirations push us to achieve higher. There is no such thing as failure, only a desire to learn and become the best version of ourselves.

    As soon as they start in Reception we look to prepare our boys for the world to which we believe we should all aspire, one in which there is an emphasis on encouragement and recognition of our diversity and where we want the boys to consider not what they can do for themselves but what they can do for others. Through an enrichment programme that runs throughout our three-year GCSE course, we build on the confidence that has already been nurtured in the earlier years to develop skills and empathy that will make them the leaders that we want and need to direct the course of our society in the future.

    Category: Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory, Senior

    Pupils: Boys

    Type: Day

    Religious Affiliation: Church of England

    Roll: 320 Boys / 0 Girls

    Age Range: 4-16 Years

    Founded: 1923

    Location Description

    Close to the centre of Gerrard’s Cross, with easy access to A413, M40 and M25.

    School Contact Details

    Headteacher: Interim Headteacher: Mr Sean Day

    Contact for enquiries:Mrs J Tyler, Registrar

    Oval Way , Chalfont Saint Peter, Gerrard's Cross , Buckinghamshire, SL9 8QA

    Tel: 01753 882474



    The Lower School is housed in its own attractive, purpose built accommodation, surrounded by a wonderful expanse of green space which the boys use throughout the day. Nursery and Reception have their own covered, outdoor classrooms which include a very popular mud kitchen! Our classes are small with no more than 16 boys and teaching styles vary to create a positive and enabling learning environment.

    In Years 3 to 4 the boys have one class teacher for all subjects with the exception of ICT, French, design technology, music, games and PE which are taught by specialist teachers. This prepares them for moving to a fully specialist taught timetable in Years 5 and 6.

    The Upper School provides more than just an opportunity to achieve excellent results. We offer all the other important elements that help to produce a well-rounded individual. We believe that education extends beyond the classroom and we take our extra-curricular activities equally seriously. All boys have the opportunity to compete for the school or their House on the sports field, in the swimming pool and on the athletics track. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is offered as is Young Enterprise. Boys take part in a number of overseas trips and visits such as the annual football squad tours to a range of European venues, the GCSE History trip to Ypres Battlefields in Belgium, the joint art and Spanish trip to Barcelona, and the biennial skiing holiday in France.

    Thorpe House has a number of very talented sportsmen and due to the size of the school, we have the time to support these boys and nurture their talents. We currently have boys who compete at national level for swimming, tennis, football and athletics and many boys who compete at district and county level for rugby, cricket, football, athletics, golf, horse riding and swimming.

    We encourage every boy to achieve his full potential academically, creatively or in sport, but for those who are exceptional in a particular field we run a gifted and talented programme.

    Brand new facilities for 2021 are a swimming pool, Drama Black Box Theatre, STEAM classroom for the Lower School and a Physics lab.


    For details please email Mrs J Tyler, Registrar, on

    Entrance Requirements

    For details please visit



    Reception – Year 5: £3800 – £5700 per term

    Years 6-8: £5875 – £6750 per term

    Years 9-11: £6900 per term.

    Please visit for fee breakdown



    The Society of Heads

    Downloadable Resources


    All visits are welcome, please contact the school

    For details please contact our Registrar on or 01753 882 474


    View our 3D map  of the school


    What’s been happening at the School?

    All posts by Thorpe House School
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    • Latest News from Thorpe House...

      To view the latest news from Thorpe House School, please click HERE

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    • Exciting new cricket partnership for...

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    • Thorpe House swimmer interviews swimming...

      At the end of January, we celebrated the launch of the school’s newly covered and renovated 18 metre swimming pool...

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