Spring Grove School, Wye

Rated ‘Excellent’ in all aspects by ISI (Feb 2023), Spring Grove School is located just outside Wye, in the beautiful Kent countryside. The school is just a short drive from Ashford and the high-speed line into London. As a completely independent prep school our aim is to allow all of our children to develop to their full potential – academically, socially, physically and emotionally – in a supportive, caring and friendly community.

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    What is 9 + 4

    Spring Grove School, Wye

    Welcome to Spring Grove, our small, friendly school where the children clearly love learning and enjoy living. We offer a wide range of subjects and extra-curricular activities including Forest School, Eco Council, music, dance, drama and art, and sport. At age 11, our children move on to a wide range of secondary education including grammar and senior independent schools, both locally and further afield.

    We are proud to have achieved ‘Excellent’ in all aspects in our recent ISI inspection, and the full report is available on the school’s website. The inspectors noted the high levels of achievement and excellent levels of knowledge, skills and understanding in the children’s learning, as well as the kindness and friendship shown by both staff and pupils – part of the ethos that underpins the very nature of our school.

    To find out more about what makes us excellent please come and pay us a visit. I’ll look forward to meeting you.

    Therésa Jaggard, BA (Hons), Cert Ed, NPQH, ILM Level 7 Cert Executive Coaching & Mentoring

    Category: Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory

    Pupils: Co-Education

    Type: Day

    Religious Affiliation: Church of England

    Roll: 94 Boys / / 107 Girls

    Day pupils: 201

    Age Range: 2-11 Years

    Founded: 1967

    Location Description

    Spring Grove School lies close to the beautiful village of Wye, in the Kent Downs. It is surrounded by beautiful countryside, yet it is only a short drive from Ashford, with excellent facilities including the high-speed train line into London.

    School Contact Details

    Headteacher: Mrs Therésa Jaggard

    Contact for enquiries:Mrs Nicky Lee-Browne

    Harville Road, Wye, Ashford, Kent, TN25 5EZ

    Tel: 01233 812337

    Email: office@springgroveschool.co.uk



    What makes Spring Grove special?

    Sitting in a 14-acre site near the village of Wye, the heart of Spring Grove is the magnificent 17th-century house with its wisteria-clad frontage. More recent additions include new classrooms, a dedicated Music building, a Sports Pavilion and a Multi Use Games Area (astro) for netball, tennis, hockey and football. The school also has its very own heated swimming pool, which is used in the Summer and early Autumn terms.

    Our emphasis is on enjoyable, practical lessons delivered by specialist teachers that encourage a sense of enquiry and give the children lots of opportunities to explore and experiment. All children are provided with their own Google Chromebook, and Google Classroom is used across the school. French is taught from Nursery to Prep 6, with an annual trip to Château de la Baudonnière in Normandy for the older children.

    Music, Dance, Art and Drama are particular strengths – our Music Room incorporates a large teaching and orchestral space, and we offer individual lessons on a wide range of instruments.  In 2023 Spring Grove was awarded Artsmark Gold in recognition of its excellent provision in the performing and creative arts.

    Forest School is a major part of life for all children from Nursery to Prep 6 at Spring Grove (with Beach School in the Summer). Since opening in 2016, our Forest School has won a series of awards, and it is now an integrated part of the curriculum. Spring Grove is also an Eco-Schools ‘Green Flag School’ in recognition of the school’s excellence in environmental action and learning.



    Nursery: from £336 per term per morning session. Early Years funding accepted – please see the school website for details.

    Reception: with EY funding £2926 per term (inc. VAT). Without EY funding: £4081 per term (inc. VAT).

    Year 1 to Prep 6: £4411 to £5747.50 per term (inc. VAT).


    IAPS, ISI, ISC, Eco-Schools, Artsmark

    Downloadable Resources


    All visits are welcome, please contact the school

    There is no better way to experience life at Spring Grove School than to talk to our staff and pupils and to see the school for yourself. We hold regular Open Days and we are always pleased to arrange personal visits for both prospective parents and pupils.

    Please complete this form to enquire about a visit or Open Morning

    If you require further information, or would like to arrange a visit for you and your family, please contact the school on 01233 812337 or email admissions@springgroveschool.co.uk


    What’s been happening at the School?

    All posts by Spring Grove School, Wye
    • Artsmark Gold Award, Spring Grove...

      After an Artsmark journey of more than three years, Spring Grove is proud and delighted to announce that the school...

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    • Excellent in all Aspects –...

      We are delighted and proud to announce that Spring Grove School and Nursery have been rated ‘Excellent’ in all aspects...

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    • Latest News from Spring Grove...

      To view the latest news from Spring Grove School, please click HERE

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    • Eco-Schools Green Flag award –...

      In September 2019, Spring Grove decided to draw together all the excellent Eco projects the children were already doing, both in and out of school, to work towards the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. The children’s efforts were quickly recognised with both the Eco-Schools Bronze and Silver Awards. Then in May 2020, as schools were...

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    • Covid-19: why our school community...

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    • Octogenarian Olympics at Spring Grove...

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    • ‘Spring Back’ wins for Spring...

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    • New Head for Spring Grove...

      The Governors of Spring Grove School are delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Therésa  Jaggard to succeed Mr Bill Jones as Head. Mrs Jaggard will take up her new role at Spring Grove in the Autumn Term 2020. The Governors have every confidence that Mrs Jaggard will continue the excellent work of Mr Jones...

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