Mayfield School

Mayfield offers amazing opportunities, helping girls to challenge stereotypical views of what they can and should achieve. At Mayfield, we accept every girl for who she is and instil in her the confidence to find her strengths – wherever they may lie – and build on them.

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    What is 4 + 3

    Mayfield School

    For 150 years Mayfield School has provided intellectual challenge for each individual at each age and stage of her education and fostered in her a love of learning. We educate girls to develop their known talents and to discover their hidden ones. Inspirational teaching, from highly-qualified and dedicated staff, enables our girls to blossom in expected and, often, in quite unexpected areas. This is due to the equal value which we place on every subject and to the breadth of curriculum we offer. Girls are always encouraged to do their best and given the confidence they need to succeed.

    Category: Senior, Sixth Form

    Pupils: Girls

    Type: Boarding and Day

    Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

    Roll: 0 Boys / 425 Girls

    Age Range: 11-18 Years

    Founded: 1863

    Location Description

    The School is situated at the highest point in the village of Mayfield, once described as, “the sweetest village in England” by the poet Coventry Patmore. The surrounding landscape is designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty because of its rolling hills, abundant woods and hedgerows, scattered farmsteads and sunken lanes.

    School Contact Details

    Headteacher: Mr Jonathan Forster

    Contact for enquiries:Mrs Shirley Coppard

    The Old Palace, Mayfield, East Sussex, TN20 6PH

    Tel: 01435 874642



    Full Equestrian Centre, Dance School, All-weather pitches, Concert Hall, Gymnasium, School Lake, Netball Courts, Tennis Courts, Fitness Suite, Extensive Athletics Facilities, Food & Nutritional Centre, World renowned Ceramics Centre, Textiles Centre, Extensive Modern Language Provision, Outstanding EAL Department, Theatre, Concert Hall, Library, Café, Art School, Music School, Mayfield Farm, Heated indoor Swimming Pool, New Sixth Form Centre, Lecture Theatre.

    The on site Equestrian Centre boasts extensive stabling and grazing, off road hacking and a 20 x 40m indoor arena. As well as an Olympic- sized all weather arena, a full set of BSJA show jumps and a professionally built cross country course.


    We offer Academic Scholarships and Gifted & Talented Scholarships (awarded to pupils who display a special talent in Creative Art, Drama & Physical Theatre, Music, and Sport.)

    Entrance Requirements

    Exam results can tell us much about a candidate. However, we also measure verbal reasoning, spatial awareness and IQ; in order to gauge underlying ability and potential for achievement. In the event of entry to a particular year being over-subscribed, Mayfield will apply the following criteria to each individual application in this order: Ability, aptitudes, talents and needs – priority given to those girls who can meet our academic standards and expectations, as evidenced by examination, prior achievement, certification, interview and other aspects of the admissions procedure. Religion – priority given to Catholics and then other Christian denominations. Boarding status – priority given to girls seeking boarding places. Associations – priority given to those girls with a current or past family association with the School.


    2024/2025.  All per term.

    Day Fees: Years 7-13 £8,635 – £9,750

    Full Boarding Fees: Years 7-13 £14,975

    Flexi-boarding (1-3 nights per week): £1,030-£2,865 per term.

    Occasional boarding (per night): £95.

    Sibling and Forces discounts – please contact the school for details



    Downloadable Resources


    All visits are welcome, please contact the school

    Open Mornings: Please  BOOK  your place

    If you would like to be notified about future open mornings, or to arrange a visit, please contact Shirley Coppard, Registrar, at


    What’s been happening at the School?

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    • Mayfield School – latest news

      To view the latest news from Mayfield School please click HERE         Mayfield School East Sussex

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      Adding to their impressive A Level results, Mayfield girls are today celebrating another exceptional set of GCSE grades.  Over 40% of entries were awarded 9-8 or A* equivalent, with almost 70% graded 9-7 or A*/A equivalent.  100% of GCSE entries achieved A*-C equivalent grades. Over one in five girls were awarded all A*/A equivalent grades in...

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        The Mayfield School community is celebrating another set of exceptional A Level results across the full range of disciplines, with the highest level of A* grades achieved in recent years: particularly pleasing given media reports of a fall in the awarding of top grades nationally. Mayfield girls have secured places at leading universities in...

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    • New exams, new grades, more...

      Mayfield is celebrating another year of exceptional GCSE results, with almost half of all entries awarded 9-8 or A* equivalent,...

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