Copthorne Preparatory School

Children are unique and every child deserves a school that is dedicated to developing individual abilities and confidence.

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    What is 5 x 3

    Copthorne Preparatory School

    Copthorne Preparatory School is a thriving school, for children from 2 -11 years, set in 55 acres of playing field and woodland, with extensive after school activities that are becoming very attractive to the children as well as our parents. We have an indoor swimming pool, sports hall, theatre and extensive grounds which hosts lots of matches on Wednesday afternoons followed by scrummy match teas. Copthorne Prep School gives every child every opportunity to find his or her talent whatever that might be.

    Category: Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory

    Pupils: Co-Education

    Type: Day

    Religious Affiliation: Church of England

    Roll: 160 Boys / / 140 Girls

    Age Range: 2-13 Years

    Founded: 1902

    Location Description

    Copthorne Preparatory School is situated on the Surrey/Sussex border and is surrounded by 55 acres of playing field and woodland. The school has excellent transport links being only 4 miles from the M23, and just 7 miles from Gatwick airport and railway station.

    School Contact Details

    Headteacher: Nathan Close BA (Hons) PGCE

    Effingham Lane, Copthorne, West Sussex, RH10 3HR

    Tel: 01342 712311



    Our lovely Nursery building provides a happy, purposeful environment for your son or daughter. It has its own playground which opens on to the sports field and down to the tennis courts and woods. The Pre-Prep Department is housed in a separate self-contained area. The children here also enjoy the benefits of the main school facilities such as the Chapel, the Dining Room and Theatre, in addition to the Sports Hall, the Swimming Pool and the extensive playing fields as well as having their own computer suite. Each classroom has its own computer. At the main school the theatre has tiered seating and modern lighting and sound systems. The sports hall houses a tennis court, netball court, four badminton courts and two cricket nets, dance studio and viewing gallery. There is an Art Room and Design Technology Room.

    Extra music opportunities are available, besides the standard orchestral instruments, lessons are offered on piano, keyboard, percussion, recorder, guitar and voice. There is a choir, wind, string and recorder ensembles and an orchestra. Clubs include golf, squash, tennis, Judo, chess, horse riding and cookery.

    Entrance Requirements

    The Scholarship Examination consists of tests in reading and spelling, English, Mathematics and Verbal or Non-Verbal Reasoning according to age.


    2023 /2024 

    All per term.

    Nursery (age 2½yr. – 4+yr.) Please contact the school for details

    Day fees. Reception – Year2: £3734 – £3911

    Year 3: £5157

    Year 4: £5666

    Years 5-8: £6500

    Flexi boarding: £38 per night

    Sibling discount: Second child 5%, Third child 15%.



    Downloadable Resources


    All visits are welcome, please contact the school

    Please email our registrar for details.

    To view our Aerial Tour, click  here.

    We hope to meet you soon!


    What’s been happening at the School?

    All posts by Copthorne Preparatory School
    • Copthorne Prep Scholarship Success

      Each year independent schools around the country offer financial assistance in the form of scholarships for children who show outstanding potential. A scholarship is therefore a very notable achievement, and we pride ourselves on the number of children at Copthorne Prep who are awarded scholarships at leading independent schools each year.   The scholarship process...

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    • Newsletters from Copthorne Prep School

      To view newsletters from Copthorne Prep School click HERE

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