Lime House School – Mathematics Challenge

15 Jan 2016

Lime House School is fairly buzzing around the Mathematics department. We enjoyed some tremendous results in the United Kingdom Mathematics Challenge, every student who entered had a certificated result. One bronze for a student who would have done significantly better if he had only read the rules of the competition, three silver awards and a magnificent twelve gold awards. This competition is held nationwide and gold awards are not easily achieved, therefore such a bumper crop is to be celebrated. Two students Yilia and Kathy deserve even greater plaudits as they both scored the absolute maximum marks possible. This is extraordinarily rare, so well done girls.

The gold medallists have all sat for the second round of the competition curiously called the Kangaroo and the top eight also qualified for the “prize” of another three and a half hour Maths paper (for fun) in the extremely challenging British Maths Olympiad. The results of this are eagerly awaited.

Congratulations to John Coulthard who has successfully completed a course of additional Mathematics study held at the Carlisle University campus for a period of several recent Saturdays. Lime House thanks those who arrange these stretching and absorbing sessions for talented young people.

We are very pleased to have won the Northern final of the UKMT team challenge held in Caldew School recently. Thank you Caldew. Michael, Betty, Tatiana and the last minute substitute Sean are looking forward to taking part in the National Finals in London next February. Commiserations to Nelson Thomlinson, the runners up, we know how galling it is to come second but they were very sporting in defeat and an example to other schools.