Learning comes to life with iPads at RGS Worcester Prep Schools
25 Nov 2014
There has been an extra buzz in classrooms at RGS The Grange and RGS Springfield since the launch of the Digital Learning Programme in September. This saw iPads become an integral part of teaching and learning in both Prep Schools. Digital technology has become embedded into lessons across the curriculum with children switching seamlessly between books, paper and pen and iPads – all in the space of a single lesson.
iPads make learning come to life in ways that have never been possible before; not only can information be presented in a multitude of different formats – text, images, videos, voice – but the children can become much more involved in their own learning, creating content in ways that they find exciting and memorable.
Amelia Lane, a Year Six pupil said, “Lessons are more exciting with iPads and we can do our own independent research, it’s fun to find out things for ourselves.”
Jensen Lee, also from Year Six said, “I can send my homework straight to my teachers as soon as it’s done through Showbie, and that way I feel more organised.”
Gareth Hughes, Headmaster of RGS The Grange said, “Pupils from Year One to Year Six have created online books on a wide variety of topics; from polar bears in Year One, to floods and droughts in Year Three, then onto Victorian Britain in Year Six. Not only can the children research the subject areas for themselves, but they can put together text, pictures and videos, and then record themselves explaining the subject over the top.”
Children are able to quickly take photographs or videos and even make sketches using an art app. They are then able to annotate the pictures, produce presentations, eBooks and iMovies from their learning.
Apps have become a useful learning tool; Popplet, is used for mind mapping exercises, allowing children to organise their thoughts clearly and succinctly and Socrative has allowed teachers to give instant feedback and to gain an immediate overview of how well individual children and the class as a whole have understood a particular topic.
Laura Brown, Headmistress of RGS Springfield said, “The world that our children inhabit is inherently linked with technology. The RGS Prep Schools are giving children the grounding and passion for technology that will serve them well, providing them with the skills, knowledge and appetite for learning that they will need in a swiftly changing world.”
If you would like to know more about the Digital Learning Programme at all three Schools, please go to: http://www.rgsw.org.uk/rgs-worcester/academic/digital-learning-programme-at-rgs/
For more information about RGS Worcester go to www.rgsw.org.uk or phone 01905 451205.