Homefield Represented at Mayor of London’s Diwali Celebrations
17 Nov 2016
Homefield’s very own Jijjith did his school proud last weekend as he helped to entertain the crowds at Trafalgar Square during the annual Mayor of London’s Diwali Show.
Jijjith showed nerves of steel as he performed a wonderful Bollywood dance in front of an adoring audience of more than 5,000 people. Even the most experienced of dancers could have been forgiven for making the odd mistake on such a big stage but Jijjith’s flawless performance was made all the more impressive by the fact he was the youngest dancer in the show!
The young star wanted to pay particular thanks to Homefield’s drama programmes, as well as his teachers who have lavished him with encouragement, giving him the confidence to enjoy and perform superbly in front of such a large crowd. His performance, which was broadcast live on several television channels, certainly appears to be opening doors for him as Jijjith has already been offered opportunities to dance at other Bollywood shows over the coming months.