Epsom College VIII third in Country Life competition
28 Apr 2016
Epsom College’s Target Rifle 1st VIII came third in this year’s ELEY Cadet Forces .22 Team Competition (formerly the Country Life Small-Bore Rifle Competition).
This is the highest placing an Epsom VIII has managed in this competition for over five years, with the team also scoring second highest in the Landscape shoot – a discipline that has traditionally been a struggle for College teams.
Individually, Roland Chan placed joint 4th nationally with an excellent 92 ex 95 in the group-rapid-snap shoots.
Roland Chan was also confirmed as the only member of the Epsom team to qualify for the final of the British Schools Small-Bore Rifle Association (BSSRA) Leagues/Association Championships, the individual league shot nationally. He placed 19th in the UK over the course of three 10 bull cards, dropping only 14 points.
This was the first time Epsom has entered the individual league and Roland shot outstandingly well to get as high on the board as he did.
The team were rewarded for their excellent shooting during these tough leagues with a trip to the National Small-Bore shooting centre at Bisley for some 50m shooting using electronic targets, which was a completely new experience for all of them.
The squad then took part in the annual Easter Camp, which was also held at Bisley, from 14th-16th April. After doing classroom work inside during Thursday’s sunshine and taking part in a highly successful trampoline dodgeball match against Gresham’s in the evening, they were faced with torrential rain and bitterly cold temperatures for the two days of shooting on the Friday and Saturday.
Unfortunately the Epsom/OE team could not claim victory in the Malvern Cup this year, finishing in third place in the face of a very high standard of shooting by the other schools in the competition. Nevertheless, the experience proved invaluable for a comparatively young team as they prepare for what will be a very challenging term ahead, with newcomers Giles Malone, Molly Message and Maddie Lucklyn-Malone in particular showing boundless enthusiasm.
Photo: A 50m shoot using electronic targets was a new experience for the entire squad