Chapel Choir Invited to Perform Evensong at Ely Cathedral

21 Aug 2018

Abbey Gate College Chapel Choir were invited this summer to perform Evensong at Ely Cathedral. It was not just the temperature but also the standards required that were very high.

Pieces performed included Purcell’s ‘Evening Service in G Minor’, with verse sections sung by Rhys Duffty, Sam Tomlins, Joe Martin, and Oliver Smith and ‘Greater Love Hath No Man’ by John Ireland with solos from Anna Kinnear and Oliver Smith.

The Choir also received an invitation to sing at King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. Whilst at the College members of the choir who are considering applying to Cambridge University took the opportunity to take a guided tour of Queens College.

During the week pupils were able to fit in some local sightseeing, including a river cruise on the Great Ouse, a tour of Ely Cathedral’s Octagon Tower and even had a go at punting!

Head of Music, James Andrews said: “The students sang brilliantly. They were professional in their conduct and a credit to themselves and the College at all times. I thank them for all their hard work and an excellent tour.”