Independent Schools in Hampshire
A list of independent schools in Hampshire having school profile pages on the UK Independent Schools Directory; day schools, boarding schools, boys’ schools, girls’ schools, preparatory schools and senior schools. Please click...
Read moreIndependent School Open Days
To view all Open Day dates on UK Independent Schools Directory please visit our Open Days page. Reading a school prospectus can only give so much information. Independent School Open Days give...
Read moreGirls’ Independent Schools in UK
A list of girls' schools having school profile pages on the UK Independent Schools Directory; day schools, boarding schools, girls' schools, preparatory schools and senior schools. Please click on the school name...
Read moreIndependent Schools in Berkshire
A list of independent schools in Berkshire having school profile pages on the UK Independent Schools Directory; day schools, boarding schools, boys' schools, girls' schools, preparatory schools and senior schools. Please click...
Read moreInternational Baccalaureate (IB)
Independent schools offering the International Baccalaureate, with a school profile on UKISD, are shown below. Please click on the school name to view details. If these schools have forthcoming Open Day dates...
Read moreIndependent Schools in Oxfordshire
A list of independent schools in Oxfordshire having school profile pages on the UK Independent Schools Directory; day schools, boarding schools, boys’ schools, girls’ schools, preparatory schools and senior schools in Oxfordshire...
Read moreIndependent Schools in London
Independent schools in London Below is a list of independent schools in London having school profile pages on the UK Independent Schools Directory; day schools, boarding schools, boys' schools, girls' schools, preparatory...
Read moreIndependent Schools in Kent
A list of independent schools, or private schools in Kent; day schools, boarding schools, boys' schools, girls' schools, preparatory schools, senior schools and sixth form colleges. Please click on the school name...
Read moreIndependent schools in Scotland
A list of independent schools having school profile pages on the UK Independent Schools Directory; day schools, boarding schools, boys' schools, girls' schools, preparatory schools and senior schools in Scotland Please click...
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