Bromsgrove’s Summer of Success continues with the release of A Level results.

17 Aug 2017

“In a year in which A level students have faced the challenge of new courses and changes to the qualifications system, I am delighted thatBromsgrove’s students have once again performed well,” said Peter Clague, Headmaster of Bromsgrove School.

The 220 Upper Sixth leavers took in total 733 subject qualifications this year.  Overall more than a quarter of all results achieved the equivalent of an A* and just over three-fifths achieved at least an A grade. The A*- B percentage achieved is 80%.

Six pupils achieved more than five A grades, twenty achieved four or more A grades with 43 gaining at least three A grades. Notable amongst these is Oscar Chou with four A*s and a further three A grades. Oscar will continue to read Medicine at the University of Hong Kong.

Bromsgrove offers a wider choice than just A levels in the Sixth Form.  A large number of pupils study for the International Baccalaureate Diploma, and these results, published in July, were once again superb with an average score of 39.1 points, the School’s highest ever IB average.   49% of our 43 candidates achieving 40 points or above and in Higher Level subjects, 45% of entries scored a 7 (equivalent to an A* at A level), whilst the equivalent A*/A rate was 88%.

A number of students also have the opportunity to sit BTEC qualifications. Between them these pupils achieved 52 Distinction* grades (equivalent to a grade A at A level) with a further 8 Distinctions amongst a total entry of 62 qualifications.

In addition, three quarters of the year group undertook significant enriching personalised study in terms of either the IB Core or the Extended Project Qualification(EPQ) as part of their sixth form studies. IB students averaged 2.1 Core points whilst 65 A*s were gained in the EPQ.

All students holding offers from Oxbridge met their offers and the university destinations of leavers include an impressive list of top world and UK universities with pupils winning scholarships to NYU in Abu Dhabi (Academic Scholarship), the University of British Columbia (International Leader of Tomorrow Award) and the University of Mount Olive (International Scholarship).