Bromsgrove Pupils Take Part in the Global Voices Initiative

03 Oct 2018

Senior and Preparatory pupils visited Bromsgrove Pre-Preparatory School on Wednesday, 26th September, as part of the Global Voices initiative launched this academic year.

The Pre-Prep pupils have been learning Japanese since the start of term, and three of the School’s native Japanese speakers went along to see how the pupils were getting on and to help them learn a few extra words.

Global Voices celebrates language and cultural diversity in both Bromsgrove Pre-Preparatory and Preparatory School. They select one language per half term and teach the children a few words in that language, providing details and facts about the country and raising the awareness of the cultures connected to the language. It is supported by assemblies, display boards, weekly activities in different lessons through the curriculum and guest speakers. There is also a food day each half term that celebrates the language and culture.

Ms Faulkner-Petrova, Teacher of EAL said “East met West today when our Japanese students from Prep and Senior schools shared some cultural objects and language with the Pre-Prep children in the Global Voices assembly. There were excited choruses of Japanese words, phrases and numbers and it all ended with a huge ‘arigato’ (thank you), a bow and a ‘sayonara’ as a goodbye.”