Best Ever IB Results at Kent College Canterbury

11 Jul 2017

On a gloriously sunny Speech Day, the Executive Head Master, Dr David Lamper was again able to report rising numbers and national level successes in Engineering, Sport and Music. A video was shown to mark an impressive first year for Kent College Dubai, and designs for a new ‘Great Hall’ capital project were on display.

On the previous day, Kent College had received outstanding IB results for the class of 2017. The average score was 37 points, which, when translated into UCAS (university entrance) points is equivalent to the number of points awarded for  A* A* A* A  at A level. This score is likely to place Kent College amongst the top IB schools in the UK again this year.

Kent College offers both the IB Diploma for sixth form students as well as a more traditional programme of A levels. Students entered for the IB diploma programme study a combination of English, mathematics, science, languages, humanities and an arts subject. They choose three subjects at higher level and three at standard level and sit exams in each after two years. Marks are awarded in each from 1 to 7, the highest being 7. All candidates must follow three “core” programmes to broaden their education and develop their understanding: the theory of knowledge and an extended essay of 4,000 words. Together three further marks are awarded for both. The maximum number of points is therefore 45. Students who achieve at least 24 marks, and have completed voluntary and practical work, known as creativity, action and service, are awarded the IB diploma.

Alice Scharmeli scored a perfect 45 points and will study Medicine at Wadham College, at the University of Oxford. Head Girl, Emily Insanally scored an impressive 44 points which has secured her place at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge to study Economics. Head Boy, Robbie Whittaker also achieved 44 points and a place at St Hugh’s College, Oxford to read History.

These results are the best for any cohort at Kent College, which is regularly noted in the top 10 IB schools in the UK. It is also the largest cohort of IB students since the school introduced the programme in 2010. Every student passed the Diploma, eight students scored over 40 points, and five students achieved a bilingual diploma

Executive Head Master, Dr David Lamper said, ‘I am delighted for the students who have worked hard and done so well in achieving places at top universities, and I am grateful to colleagues for their efforts to make sure that the success already enjoyed by A level students is shared with those studying the IB Diploma.’