Belmont School – Iceland trip
09 Jul 2015
Recently a group of around 40 children and staff, set off on an adventure to Iceland to experience, first hand, the ‘Land of Fire and Ice’.
Thankfully, there was no ‘fire’ to be seen first hand, although they were able to experience a simulated 6.7 earthquake and see the after-effects of the infamous Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption of 2010! It was fascinating to see and learn how the Icelandic people coped with the devastation (with one family living directly underneath the thick black cloud of steam and ash) and to see how they have rebuilt their lives.
For many the children and staff the highlight was a walk on a glacier (despite the fact they had to endure a horrific snow storm for about 10 minutes!) with one of the groups being able to walk through a glacial tunnel – unforgettable!