Milton Abbey is delighted to announce that iconic British fashion designer Anya Hindmarch will be  fronting a new Entrepreneur in Residence scheme, being launched by the School this month. The scheme has...

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Best School Music Department

On Friday 7th February Louise Higson, Farlington’s Headmistress, Anne Stearns, Director of Music, and Sara Greer, the school’s Marketing Director, attended the awards ceremony of the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence held...

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Culford School – Charity Concert Rocks

The concert, which was produced entirely by pupils, featured acts performing songs from artists as diverse as Arctic Monkeys, Pink, The Who and Chaka Khan. The show was enhanced by professional lighting,...

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Farlington School – Young Enterprise award

Farlington’s Young Enterprise group won the Best Business Plan after the regional pitch at Thomas Eggar LLP in Crawley on Monday 3rd February. The Sixth Formers, who are running a seasonal events...

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Malvern College’s #Artworkoftheweek

Malvern College launched its hashtag #Artworkoftheweek feature on Twitter at the end of January to showcase the work of the College’s young artists. “We have many talented individuals here”, said Tim Newsholme,...

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Malvern College pupils & staff cut their hair for charity

Five teachers and pupils from Malvern College have taken the opportunity to help others by having their hair cut and donating it to the Hereford based charity, the Little Princess Trust.  The...

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Harriett Baldwin MP talks to the Malvern College Weatherill Society

Harriett Baldwin, MP for West Worcestershire, visited Malvern College last Friday to speak to the College’s Weatherill Society. She discussed her personal reasons for being involved in Conservative party politics following on...

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Nine Malvern College pupils receive Oxbridge offers

Applauding the success and determination of those who have been offered places at Oxford and Cambridge, Antony Clark, Headmaster of Malvern College, said: “These pupils have great flair and a keen focus...

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Countryfile investigates the history of the Malvern Pudding at Malvern College

Who could imagine that such an inauspicious piece of school history could command so much attention, but this week a film crew from BBC’s Countryfile made a visit to Malvern College to...

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